Networks & Denominations

Maximize your network’s collective gospel impact.

Clarity House Solutions

What You Can Expect

→ Assess and clarify your current reality with insightful tools.

→ Shift your paradigm of what a network of churches should be.

→ Develop a custom scorecard so you know when you’re successful.

→ Design your synergy strategy with renewed clarity.

Increase the impact of your network even further with custom learning communities for your churches.

Broker a best-in-class coaching process that helps motivated churches develop their unique disciple-making vision.

Increase network leadership capacity to help more churches experience meaningful breakthroughs.

Gain experience and certification in the process that allows you to repeat it apart from us.

A Step-by-Step Process to Network Transformation

Most network teams don’t lack vision, they lack shared vision. Imagine the leaders in your network sharing a vision that generates greater gospel-focused collaboration.

Reimagine biblical networking that provides increased value to different kinds of churches in your network.

Generate a shared vision that comes from the most missionally-vibrant churches in the network. 

Increase the capacity of your team by leveraging the strengths that already exist in your network. 

Become a sought-after network that church leaders—young and old—love being a part of.

Here’s How it Works


Schedule a conversation with a Clarity House consultant.


Receive a customized network consulting process proposal tailored to your specific situation.


Schedule the onsite sessions with Clarity House and your team of 7-10 leaders to start the process.

What Others Are Saying

Shane and Dave has done what many others have tried to do and been largely unsuccessful—they have connected Biblical discipleship to a church systems model.

If you want to immediately start serving churches, you don’t have to create tools – Clarity House has a toolbox that is already working. I’ve found over the years that it’s better to partner with someone who has demonstrated specific knowledge and proven outcomes. That’s Shane and Dave at Clarity House.

The process of clarifying our mission and identifying our values has answered the critical questions of who we are and the why behind what we do. We lacked being able to define success clearly until we were able to frame up measures and strategies which has set a new trajectory for our association. What was once vague and ambiguous is now compelling and transferrable.

If you are searching for clarity in your ministry/mission, let me commend Clarity House to you. We have been in a process to assess and frame the vision for our association of churches. Shane and Dave have been fantastic to work with.

They have helped us to ask the hard questions and come up with a clear vision. The process and tools we used were right on target as our team of seven pastors, as well as our staff,  have worked together.

Dave Rhodes has spent years on the leading edge of shaping and leading disciple-making cultures in churches all over the globe. I’ve experienced truly inspired clarity of leadership using tools designed by Clarity House.

If you have a chance to collaborate with Dave and the Clarity House team, you’ll have a chance to experience breakthrough in ways you might not have thought were possible.

We entered the process with a twenty year old vision statement that did not reflect who we are or where we are going. With the tools we have been given we now have a clear plan for our future and a method for evaluating our progress. The process has inspired new excitement and hope for the future of our association of churches.

Radical rethinking to rediscover the wellness and effectiveness of our network of churches was desperately needed. Shane and the team guided us out of the rut of failing traditions, and empowered us to redesign a network that restored value to today’s leaders and churches. Resetting our mission, strategy, and values has increased our attraction to a dedicated and diverse crowd of leaders and churches, while sharpening our focus in everything we do and say.

Other Services

Church Consulting

4-12 month journey to help your team discover and live out your church’s unique calling.

Dream Disciple Accelerator

Virtual workshop to guide your team to define the type of disciples your city needs more of.

Learning Communities

8-month in-person + virtual hybrid process to define your church’s future  alongside other church teams.