Design Your Training Center

If you know the kind of disciples and kingdom leaders you are working to develop for the sake of your local mission field, we can help you design custom toolboxes and training processes that are both transferable and scalable, expanding your leadership community.

Training Center Design Lab

Our 4-day design labs will help you build a toolbox coupled with a relational disciple making process to truly equip the saints to do the work of ministry.

Discover the keys to scalable training processes.

Learn how to develop tools not just teachings.

Architect a core training process for your church/organization.

What would happen in and through our people if we put the same time and imagination into training as we do into teaching?

Training Center Custom Build

We’ll collaborate with you and your team to develop the process, content, tools, and coaching moves for a customized training process tailored for your context and development objectives.

Determine overall learning objectives.

Build each training session, including worksheets, slides, and illustrations.

Tie it all together with custom language that fits your organization.


I was a pastor of a growing ministry, but I was overwhelmed by managing programs and people. I also was haunted by the question, is all of this really producing any disciples? Finally, someone came alongside me to guide me into an intentional and reproducible discipleship pathway—Dave Rhodes from Clarity House. I now have evidence and hope that it is possible to transition our churches from simply teaching centers to training centers.

Dave Rhodes has spent years on the leading edge of shaping and leading disciple-making cultures in churches all over the globe. I’ve experienced truly inspired clarity of leadership using tools designed by Clarity House. If you have a chance to collaborate with Dave and the Clarity House team, you’ll have a chance to experience breakthrough in ways you might not have thought were possible.