Design Your Life

It’s hard to lead your ministry or organization with clarity if you are experiencing personal leadership fog–which every leader faces at some point. We have a proven process that will discover your calling anew and develop a plan to walk it out. 

Imagine every staff and team member in your organization daily functioning out of a deep clarity of who they have and what they’ve been called to do–freeing them to maximize their ultimate contribution.

Life Younique Accelerator

The Younique Accelerator is a 4-day experience designed for up to 40 leaders to articulate their personal calling and to develop a plan to live it out in the places where they live, work, and play. Each participant will …

Identify the sweet spot at the center of their passion, ability, and ideal context.

Interpret the story God is writing with their lives by discovering patterns and connections.

Define their one-of-a-kind calling in just two words that drive everything they do.

Develop a plan to live out their calling by establishing rhythms and goals.


Clarify your story
and God’s overarching plan within it.


Clarify the overlap of your driving passion, key abilities, and ideal context.


Clarify your life mission, core values, and how you define success.


Clarify your roadmap to live out your mission over the next 3 years.


Clarify the regular practices of renewal that will keep you on track.

At the end of the Accelerator, you and every member of your team will have a clear understanding of how to live out their special calling from God, leading to greater personal freedom and collective momentum.

The Life Younique Process is also available in a personalized 1:1 retreat setting for leaders who are facing significant decisions in life and ministry and need additional personal clarity.


I always loved seeing the possibilities in things—seeing something in a different light and imagining how much better it could be. When I combined this with the gifts and passions God placed in my heart, I realized that my calling didn’t necessarily come within the context of a certain title, job, location or thing. I exist to maximize potential in places; influencing and championing change through creativity and passion.

Completing the Younique process didn’t just change my life; it reoriented my past, present and future in relationship to God. Younique gave me words to help describe my passion, my gifting and how I can best serve the Kingdom of God. I discovered my strengths, my weaknesses and most importantly how I can best honor and serve God.

The journey of Younique has brought light to the depth of God’s hand in my life. Through my past, as He’s written my story, and through a fresh vision for my future! Younique has brought me the freedom to function from a place of true identity and calling. It has also fueled me to walk with others through their process. I’ve truly seen lives changed!  

“Wow!” Truly is the sentiment I have when I think of my Younique experience. As a seasoned follower of Christ to look back on my life through the lens of the tools provided by Younique was revealing. Yet the greater benefit was to refine my focus into accepting who I am in Christ and committing to finishing life well. The level of clarity and focus on intentionality that was required while working through the 4-day intensive produced a tool that I am now using with expectancy for Kingdom advancing results in and through my life.

I’ve tried every program out there. You name it, I’ve tried it. Younique is the single greatest opportunity for a church to enable its members and leaders to grasp a sense of their God-created potential for today, right where they are.