Get the guidance and tools you need to inspire your church to pursue the mission.
Visionary Planning Retreat
Clarify your church’s vision and build a 5-year strategy in an inspiring, community-focused retreat.
Why Visionary Planning Matters
As a leader, you’re pulled in so many directions, it’s hard to find the time during any given week to focus on overall strategy or a clear vision of the future.
What You Can Expect
A Visionary Planning Retreat creates space for leaders to gain clarity and build an action plan for change alongside other future-oriented leaders.
How Does it Work?
The timing and length of the retreat can be customized based on your needs and budget.
Ensure your digital presence is relevant to the community and designed to support your Dream Disciples.
Why a Digital Audit Matters
Your digital presence is powerful—it can detract from your disciple-making efforts with confusing or contradicting representation Or, it can fuel your vision online and create engagement that accelerates your mission.
What You Can Expect
We provide a comprehensive audit of your digital presence (website, social channels, streaming, YouTube, etc.) based on your unique mission and goals, and provide specific, actionable recommendations for mission-aligned changes.
How Does it Work?
A typical Digital Audit costs between $2,000 – $3,500 depending on the number of digital platforms to be included.
Develop an updated visual identity that effectively communicates your church’s mission.
Why Brand Guidelines Matter
Your logo, colors, fonts, photography style, and consistent graphic elements work together to communicate about your church to all of your different audiences (both internal and external).
What You Can Expect
The Clarity House team will design a custom logo and deliver comprehensive brand guidelines that detail and display your church’s unique mission.