The Value of Values in Divided Times

One thing all church leaders have in common right now is this question: “How do I manage the challenge of guiding my church through this time of political division in an emotionally charged election season?” 

This is where the value of values comes in. Biblically grounded, clearly articulated church values are the key to leading through these seasons of heightened discord. 

But this is easier said than done. You yourself may be feeling weary from the division and constant news cycles, making the task of leading through trying times seem even bigger. 

Pivoting back to values can expand your capacity for ministry and refuel your tank, so to speak, so you can lead with confidence and clarity, despite what’s going on in the landscape around you.

Leaning on and Leading with Values 

Values answer the question: why do we do what we do? At Clarity House, we help church leaders articulate their church’s distinct values—the convictions that guide the actions and reveal the strengths of your church.  

In times of division and disagreement, values:

  • Help congregations navigate complex issues by fostering critical thinking and discernment.
  • Encourage members to ask thoughtful questions rather than simply accepting predetermined answers.
  • Promote unity and shared understanding within the church community, guiding discussions on contentious topics.

“Pivoting to your values reminds you that your identity hasn’t changed. You can then navigate challenges from a place of security.” – Dave Rhodes

Playing Offense Through Conversation

You may feel like you’ve been caught in a defensive posture over the past few years. And when the volume of division is loud, trying to “yell” to be heard just adds to the noise. Adopting a proactive posture gives you the ability to anticipate issues and guide your congregations thoughtfully, rather than merely reacting to crises as they arise.

You may also be thinking: “won’t conversation simply invite more division?”

In a guided church setting, inviting conversation is a way to play offense. Authenticity disarms divisiveness, and values-based conversations foster empathy and unity, even in the midst of disagreement. Take, for example, Grace Church, where one of their values is that “We play offense because an advancing church brings light to a dark world.”  That’s a proactive posture. 

Here are some practical steps to encourage values-based and nuanced conversation:

  • Center discussions in biblical values and principles. 
  • Clarify the purpose. The goal of these discussions is not to “win,” or change someone’s mind, but to understand. 
  • Promote critical thinking by teaching people who call your church home to ask questions based on Scripture, rather than echoing media narratives. 
  • Explore how Scripture can support different political views. For example, ask someone to consider a point of view they disagree with. Where in Scripture could this belief potentially have come from? Considering multiple perspectives helps prevent polarization. 
  • Model engagement in meaningful conversations that reflect Christian values. Empathy is crucial for leaders to connect with their communities, especially during challenging times.

Identity—From Quicksand to Solid Ground

Struggling against quicksand only makes the situation worse. When we see political division as a struggle and a fight, it can make disharmony worsen as well. 

Aligning people in Scripture and reminding them that their identity is centered in Jesus can move people out of quicksand to solid ground. Instead of basing identity in one political party or another, or one candidate versus another, encourage identity based on being a follower and disciple of Jesus. Reinforcing identity and core values can help individuals move through uncertainty and approach opposing points of view with consideration instead of conflict.

A Culture of Empathy and Understanding

Political divisiveness will not magically end after the election. A culture of empathy keeps your church’s distinct values at the forefront, enabling people in your church to acknowledge diverse perspectives and handle disagreements with grace. Keep in mind: 

  • Guiding people in the mind of Christ allows individuals to engage with complex issues thoughtfully rather than reactively.
  • By prioritizing spiritual formation over political alignment, you can cultivate a community that reflects Christ’s teachings and values in all areas of life.
  • It’s important to clarify values with your teams, so they understand the specific applications and maintain a unified approach to addressing issues. 
  • Values are living things. Regularly revisiting your values helps assess their effectiveness in guiding the church’s mission in response to today’s contemporary challenges.

In times of uncertainty, people tend to seek validation in tribalism. They seek security by aligning themselves to a party or a candidate. As church leaders, you can direct them back to values, reminding them that their faith is the deepest source of security, and the most solid foundation on which to securely stand.

Next up: In part two of this series, we look at specific teachings of Jesus. How did He navigate conflict and controversy? How did He inspire unity in his followers? We explore Jesus’s response to division and ways we can follow His example.

At Clarity House, we specialize in guiding church teams in articulating a shared vision coupled with disciple-making clarity. We’d love to help you and your team. If you want us to assess your current mission statement, feel free to set up a free conversation with our team.